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春眠的年獸 Sleeping in Spring Time

數位版畫 Giclée
  • 尺寸

    29.7cm x 42cm

  • 材質
  • 技法
    Digital Painting
  • 版數
  • 備註
創作簡介 Intro


名為「年」的幻獸, 有著柔軟蓬鬆的毛與閃耀光潔的角, 祂沉睡在繁花茂盛的神秘之境。 在一般的鄉土傳說中,年獸是個殘生害民的惡獸, 但其不為人知的真正的面貌,實是為人們帶來豐收的祥瑞神獸。 或許在迎新的爆竹聲中,不是為了驅趕災厄, 而是希望再次喚醒那逝去已久的繁榮光景。

The beast named "Nian" has soft and fluffy fur and shiny horns. In common local legends, the Nian Beast is an evil beast that kills and hurts the people, but its unknown true appearance is actually a lucky beast that can bring people a good harvest. Perhaps the New Year's firecrackers is not to ward off calamity, but to reawaken the long-lost prosperity.

NT$ 9600