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【十二紳士】 藏書票卡片組 Exlibris Cards

收藏套卡 Collection cards

  • 尺寸

    9cm x 12cm

  • 材質


  • 內容

十二紳士各個優雅充滿自信,眼鏡是必備的知性配件; 有著象徵義涵的職業,守護並乘載著背後的知識體系。


【Animal Gentlemen】 Zodiac Ex-LIBRIS Introduction:
Every gentleman is elegant and confident, and glasses are essential accessories. They have their own symbolic professions, guarding and carrying the knowledge system behind them.

The combination of the Chinese zodiac signs and the anthropomorphic images of the retro gentleman style presents fantastical portraits.

NT$ 400